Whether you are a market leader looking for proactive candidates to take your company to the next level, or a Technical Footwear Professional seeking exciting new opportunities in concept-development, design process, marketing and branding or vendor management, you need a recruitment agent that has in depth experience within the market place.
As a client looking to fulfil a vacant position, or maybe looking for tomorrow’s talent to give you the competitive edge, you have a dilemma: how do you find the right candidates? How do you sift through the hundreds of applicants out there to find just what you are looking for? The right fit, first time. Or recruitment can become a costly business.
The ideal solution is to find a recruitment agent that has experience of placing just the people you are looking for. A recruitment agent who knows where to find cutting edge talent. That is where Robert Alan Partnership come in. Specialist recruitment is our business: we have a director with years of hands on experience in Technical Footware who will personally oversee the total recruitment process. From search or headhunting through short listing, to final placement of the ideal candidate: one who fits your business and your future development plans. Leaving you to do the day job!
As a candidate you will be looking for an exciting opportunity that provides you with the challenge that you need with a true career development path, job security and a package that rewards your dedication. But how do you find that position? Trawl the job boards? Some of the best jobs are never ‘public’: the best companies often have exclusive agreements with specialist recruitment agents to find the right candidates for them. Robert Alan Partnership are one of those companies. The director in charge of our Technical Footware division has years of experience of placing people like you in the jobs that will let them grow and provide the challenge and opportunity that makes it worthwhile getting out of bed in the morning for. We will find the job to fit your needs with a company that don’t just talk the talk, but walk the walk.